Scientology Crazy Followers: The Next Generation
XENU TV established a lovable set of characters ten years ago that captured the fancy of the world. People’s jaws dropped while watching the real-life antics of people like Dan Murnan and Mary DeMoss. Here was bizarre behavior captured on tape of Scientologists being Scientologists, displaying publicly the wacky mindset of L. Ron Hubbard’s followers.
There have been few Scientology stars since then. But a new one has emerged. Captured on tape by Axiom142, this man is shining example of a brainwashed Scientologist in action.
He clearly is a bright, capable man yet his entire reality has been altered and he lives in a universe in which the whole track and electronic traps are not just nonsense pulled out of Hubbard’s butt, but are accepted as complete truth.
Here’s what Axiom142 had to say over at Why We Protest.
I was wandering around East Grinstead, in the vicinity of Sainsbury’s (supermarket), when I saw a Sea Org staff minibus, parked on the side of the road and three Sea Org members standing near it. After some discussion, they crossed the road and two of them stood outside the front door of a house, presumably in order to see the occupant/s and get them back on lines / buy more materials etc.Sensing a good photo opportunity, I whipped out my trusty Canon and took a snap. This apparently aroused their interest, because one of their party followed me down the road and took a photo of me. Nothing wrong with that, I was in a public place after all. In any case, I thought I would take the opportunity to speak to him about what the leader of his ‘church’ is really up to. Ask I walked towards him, he walked off. I followed and asked him if he could confront me. His response was rather non sequitur to say the least. He accused me of being a squirrel!I was rather bemused by this and decided to respond by telliing him about David Miscavige (allegedly) beating his staff and the fact that Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder had left and were now speaking out. At first, he actually listened to what I said. But this soon changed as he was apparently unable to face any criticism of his leader or organisation. Several times he said that I was repeating a circuit, while himself repeating the same accusations over and over (squirrel, suck on the track, insane, etc). He even suggested that I beat my wife! Yes, really. I mean how corny can you get?I tried to communicate in a rational way, but it was obviously that he would not listen. He was so intense that he was actually spitting while he was hurling his invective at me.
There’s more to the story. You can read the full account at this thread and people are discussing it at this thread.

Narconon Arrowhead Victim Complaint To Oklahoma Attorney General
Oklahoma Justice
Smart People Today
Today, a credible source from Oklahoma contacted me in Montreal with details of a formal complaint being filed against Oklahoma Department of Health and Oklahoma Department of Mental Health (ODH, ODHS, ODMH, and ODMHSAS).
Because the complaint is concerning Narconon Arrowhead drug rehab, the Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) arm of the department will also receive the complaint.
The allegations will be directed to the office of E. Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma Attorney General.
During a lengthy phone call, frustration from concerned Oklahoma citizens was explained concerning Narconon Arrowhead violating the Department of Mental Health regulations. The department refuses to act or enforce their own regulations.
At issue is the fraudulent Narconon Arrowhead 70% success rate that the center uses to lure and convince desperate addicts and family members into paying 30 thousand dollars for a pseudoscience drug treatment.
On Arrowhead’s website today, a 70% success rate is posted, stating “graduates over a two-year period show that the success rate of a Narconon program is 70% - in other words, seven out of ten graduates find lasting sobriety.”
Some Narconon centers advertise fraudulent claims of a 90% success rate.
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health stipulates that “success rates shall be documented and verifiable by the Board.” (within Title 43a)
Desperate and unwary addicts searching online for a ‘drug rehab’, often see these miracle cure success rates and are duped by slick talking salespeople when they call the toll free number for help.
A formal complaint was filed in 2012 with the FBI concerning interstate online fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud – alleging Narconon and Scientology entities were scamming citizens out of millions.
Narconon has no controlled studies or documented proof of their alleged success rate. On the contrary, conventional drug rehabilitation programmes achieve only a rate of around 20-30%.
A Swedish study of Narconon, pegged the success rate of those who completed the Narconon program at 6.6%.
On January 12, 2009, Narconon Director of Legal Affairs states “do not say that we have 70% success (we do not have scientific evidence of it).”
Of grave concern to family members, is that they were conned by the false success rate and their children died in the hands of Narconon Arrowhead – three deaths in a nine month period. There are now 11 lawsuits against Arrowhead claiming fraud, misrepresentation, and civil conspiracy, but the Department of Mental Health still refuses to act.
Another concern is the opening and reading of confidential mail correspondence by Narconon’s Ethics Officers. Section 450:15-3-6. ‘Right to Communication’ stipulates that -- (b) “Every consumer is entitled to communicate by uncensored, sealed mail.”
Although the center may establish procedure for opening mail if determined necessary for security or safety precautions, Ethics Officers read all incoming mail for other reasons not related to safety.
Concerning patients being coerced to practice Scientology doctrines, the Board clearly states in Section 450:15-3-12, that: “No consumer shall be coerced into engaging in, or refraining from, any religious activity, practice or belief.”
Narconon Arrowhead CEO, Gary Smith, vehemently denies Narconon is religious in nature, but sworn, expert testimony by Professor Stephen Kent, insists that “after examining all 8 Narconon course books, I found nothing that was not 100% Scientology.” Narconon students are subjected to Scientology Training Routines and Scientology auditing sessions.
Also violating consumer’s rights is the Scientology/Narconon practice of forcing the patient to perform punitive ethics cycles which include censored communication by telephone. Section 450:15-3-6 (C-3) forbids such action.
Wikipedia NARCONON:
It was suggested today that Oklahoma Health and the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health should be sued directly for their part in the fraud and deaths.
The complainant to the Oklahoma Attorney General is hoping the Department’s website statement holds true from E. Scott Pruitt, stating “Our office is dedicated to fighting corruption, protecting Oklahoma's vulnerable citizens and advocating excellence in the administration of the law, justice and protecting the interests of the great state of Oklahoma and its citizens."
The complainant to the Oklahoma Attorney General is hoping the Department’s website statement holds true from E. Scott Pruitt, stating “Our office is dedicated to fighting corruption, protecting Oklahoma's vulnerable citizens and advocating excellence in the administration of the law, justice and protecting the interests of the great state of Oklahoma and its citizens."
FOLLOWING is an Email from the Complainant:
[Email received: On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 2:54 PM]
“I will file formal complaints with the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office within the next week against ODH, ODHS, ODMH and ODMHSAS for their lack of action. As a tax payer in the great State of Oklahoma, I am of grave concern.
What are my tax dollars doing? I only keep hearing “the investigation is ongoing” from ODMHSAS. There is enough evidence for ODMHSAS to revoke Narconon Arrowheads certification, so why haven’t they? Well, they probably afraid of a repeat of 1991-1992 when Scientology went on an all-out litigation war with the State of Oklahoma and won. Oklahoma threw in the towel after reaching their “legal budget”.
I firmly believe our tax dollars are being wasted. We all know that every State Agency are understaffed and underfunded. These Agencies weak underbelly are very malleable to special interest groups, this is no secret. There are favors here and there; deep allegiances, and just the wolves preying on the unsuspected. I for one would rather see my tax dollars go towards fighting an injustice that the protectors of justice have ignored for the last 22 years and several have died. It is high time the State of Oklahoma gets off their hands and corrects the injustice that they have allowed our tax dollars created.
Scientology’s indoctrination tool, Narconon has broken many laws, for instance state statutes Title 43a, Title 450, and Title 59. I would like to key in on one very important law for a moment, Title 43a. The particular language reads “H.
All claims by and accomplishments publicized by any applicant for certification or any certified alcohol- or drug-dependent organization, including but not limited to consumer count and success rates, shall be documented and verifiable by the Board.”. I am no lawyer, but that language suggests clearly that you have not done your job. I implore ODMHSAS to revoke Narconon Arrowheads certification and spend my tax dollars on doing your job, protecting its citizens; I for one would welcome the inevitable, “blow back” litigation from the Church of Scientology. It’s going to happen regardless.
And finally, to ODH, ODHS, ODMH and ODMHSAS I hope the Attorneys General Office takes a close look into the unfortunate place that you have placed your precious citizens in, and not to forget all the other US citizens that have been shipped to our state for Scientology’s indoctrination tool Narconon in order to inoculate reason, common sense, and rational thinking from their prey. I can see in the near future a lawsuit against the State of Oklahoma. We find accountability with the offices and agencies that have perpetrated such injustice upon its citizens and abroad. . Lest we not forget who you work for, you work for the tax payers not special interest groups; you work for us.
David Edgar Love
Tony Ortega's site has an update:
Breaking news from the Oklahoma legislature, where a bill that would give the state greater oversight of drug rehab facilities — specifically Scientology’s flagship operation in the state, Narconon Arrowhead — passed the state House today on a vote of 80-13. The bill now goes to Governor Mary Fallin for her signature. Nope. Just heard from Sen. Ivester’s office. They tell us the amended version of the bill was passed, and now the Senate will have to vote on it again. We’ll keep checking on it.
(Sen. Ivester’s office initially told us the bill was headed for the governor, then called us back and said it needed another vote in the senate, so apparently this stuff is even tough for them to keep track of.)
The bill previously passed unanimously in the senate.
Thanks to Stacy Dawn Murphy’s father, Robert Murphy, for alerting us of the vote. We’ll get more details as soon as we can.
UPDATE: We just talked with Rep. Jason Murphey, who helped sponsor the bill and pushed it through the 80-13 vote in Oklahoma’s House.
“It does need to go to the Senate one final time,” he told us by telephone. “But it doesn’t have to go to a committee,” he points out. The full Senate can now vote on it (last time it passed unanimously there) and then it will go to the governor.
We asked him how he felt about it. “It’s exciting to see it go through. There were some very liberal members who voted against it. But it went through with a wide margin and that’s nice to see.”
Does he think it will end up providing the Department of Mental Health the oversight that will be needed to make a difference in the case of Narconon?
“I think so. I absolutely do,” he said. “The people at the Department of Mental Health were very helpful.”
We pointed out that recently, Narconon Arrowhead CEO Gary Smith had said he didn’t understand why the legislature was paying so much attention to this bill.
“I guess when that many people pass away in your facility, it’s going to get some attention. That’s kind of how it works,” Murphey said.
Posted by Tony Ortega on April 15, 2013 at 07:00
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Tom Cruise Smashes EGG All Over His Own Face! Watch HERE!
Tom Cruise may have banned certain publications from attending the premiere of his latest sci-fi flick Oblivion because they were portraying aspects of his life (Scientology, Suri) in an unfavorable way…
But dude didn't seem to mind getting literal EGG all over his face while visiting the Late Show with Jimmy Fallon!
Ch-ch-check out Tom and Jimmy's tense game of egg roulette (above)!
BE WARNED… it's a nail biter!
But it's also pretty effing EGGcellent. No yolk!
YUP, couldn't resist!
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