Tom Cruise is once again trying to get us to believe Scientology is the answer to all the ills of the world. Hollywood Hiccups is reporting Tom has reached out to Lindsay Lohan, and he wants her to join his cult.
Tom got in touch with Lindsay through his son, Connor Cruise. Connor exchanged numbers with LiLo while they were working in Brazil, and he passed it on to Tom. The Scientology Wizard has been the cult’s biggest and most famous cheerleader. I’m not sure if Tom is really interested in helping Lindsay. He may be using her as a pawn to spread more propaganda for the science fiction, alien based organization.
Tom and fellow Scientologist Kirstie Alley have both said the cult helped them overcome things that were detrimental to them living a full life. Tom used Scientology to overcome Dyslexia. Kirstie Alley was able to kick a drug habit through the organizations programs. However, I’m not sure Tom can help Lindsay. She is still in denial that she is in a lot of hot water and her behavior is unacceptable. Every chance Lindsay gets to redeem herself she blows. Lindsay’s last hope for showing her talent and proving she can be a real professional was appearing on her guardian angel Charlie Sheen’s show Anger Management. Lindsay discredited her critics the first day of shooting. But day two Lindsay was up to her old tricks.
On March 26th Lindsay posted on her Facebook page a picture of her dressing room door and wrote on her wall “Day 2, going great! Can’t wait for you to see this! #angermanagement ♥ “
I think Lindsay was excited to be on the show but her narcissism got in the way once again. If Lindsay isn’t ready or interested in getting help Tom will be wasting his time trying to help her. The only way LiLo will turn her life around is if everyone around her stops pitying her. She has had more than enough chances to prove her critics wrong. When Lindsay is alone and has only herself to depend on she will start to see she was wrong and will really want to get her life back on track.
Tom Cruise Bans Reporters From 'Oblivion' Movie Because He's Not Controlling At ALL
by Kiri Blakeley Yesterday at 7:38 PMTom is supposedly particularly angry with magazines that ran negative stories last year about Suri or Scientology -- especially The Hollywood Reporter, which has written over 20 negative Scientology stories. He also apparently banned US Weekly, Life & Style, and In Touch.
He sued the publisher of the last two magazines for a story that claimed he'd "abandoned" Suri. Which he didn't because he still sees her at least one week a year, y'all! Kidding, Tom. Don't sue me, okay?
Anyway, Tom has had some major flops over the past few years, including Rock of Ages andJack Reacher, and he shouldn't be so high and mighty. Tom, you're a star. And your kid is in the press 24/7 because Katie and Suri live in the middle of paparazzi central in Manhattan. And Scientology is a weird religion that is full of celebrities. Did you think tabloids wouldn't write about any of this?!
Tom, aren't you like, L. Ron Hubbard's chosen one or something? Don't you secretly rule the world? Then who cares about some tabloids? Use your powers for good, not pettiness. Can you imagine life at Tom's house? No, Katie, you can't invite Suzy and Billy over because I heard they did NOT like my last movie!
Anyway, I'm pretty shocked by all of this because I did NOT think TC was the controlling type. Haha. Joke. You saw how Katie Holmes looked when she first got out of the marriage, didn't you? Like someone who had grown eyes in the back of her head?
Tom Cruise and Isabella Cruise Battle As Her Fiance Eddie Frencher Quits Scientology Cult
When Katie Holmes decided to pull the plug on her marriage with control freak, Tom Cruise he praised two people for helping him get through one of the roughest times in his life, his kids Connor Cruise, 18, and Isabella Cruise, 20. Both have stayed loyal to their father, even going so far as to shun their adoptive mother, Nicole Kidman, when she and Tom split back in 2001.
Isabella had been very loyal to Scientology and has been dating Eddie Frencherfor years with the full expectation of marriage eventually. Eddie was until recently a member of Sea Org, part of Scientology’s Clerical Order. He left the organization with minimal notice and on the outside looking in, Sea Org is the ultimate freedom killing, life commitment to the cult. Eddie must have experienced some pretty horrific stuff to decide to abruptly leave and that decision is likely causing conflict and crisis for Isabella.
Leaving Scientology usually means that other loyalists will choose to shun you and so Isabella is likely caught between the two men that she loves most. According to the April 22nd print edition of In Touch, she is already showing signs of separating herself from Tom’s church of choice and it’s not sitting well with him. He has raised Isabella to understand that she’s expected to be a stellar example in the church so to see her falter will certainly lead to the actor being pressured to take some sort of action.
Will Tom decide to shun Isabella as he did her mother years ago? Will there be more permanent dissension in the Cruise family? Will Isabella ultimately choose Eddie over her father? Would it surprise you if Scientology took another relationship from Tom? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
Suri Cruise Happier With Katie Holmes Than With Scientology Guru Tom Cruise – Report
A strict schedule can mean everything in a young girls’ life and this past year has been one of radical changes for Suri Cruise. Since Katie Holmes decided that a cultish lifestyle with Scientology freak Tom Cruise wasn’t for her – or their daughter- we have seen Suri’s entire life transformed into something, still privileged, but kind of normal. Gone are the jet setting trips, child sized high heels and midnight dinners with adults. Now Suri attends a private school, dresses like an almost 7 year old and is spotted out with young friends.
Not so long ago the press was filled with new photos of Suri being carried everywhere by Katie and Tom ever referred to her as a “young woman” before she was able to write her name in cursive. Now we see a schoolgirl in Mary Janes, minus the big earrings and lipstick. It’s very clear that after stepping away from her controlled marriage Katie took her daughter’s upbringing into her own hands and the result is amazing.
According to the April 22nd print edition of Life & Style, Katie has decided to raise Suri a lot more traditionally, the way that she herself was brought up and the result already is a much happier child. Do you think that Tom is opposing how Suri is being raised in spite of how well she’s doing? When he split from Nicole Kidman Tom insisted on raising their kids as Scientologists. He lost that battle with Katie and I have to wonder if he is in total opposition in spite of the fact that Suri is doing radically better since her parents split.
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