Warrior needs our help stat!
Mon, 01/21/2013 - 21:53
#1Warrior needs our help stat!
This is very unusual for me to send a letter like this. But Warrior is the kind of man who deserves every critic's full support.
I'm writing to you today to ask for your help in helping my very good
friend Mark Plummer, aka "Warrior". For those of you not familiar with
Mark's work in supporting victims of Scientology, let me tell you --
Mark has worked tirelessly over the past 17 years (1995 and ongoing
today), offering his services and assistance to everyone and anyone who
needed his help. He has easily put in over 25,000 hours exposing the con
and helping victims of the cult.
During a phone conversation recently, Mark told me that he is in danger
of having his utilities shut off, losing his internet connection and
even his home in the very near future. His auto insurance will be
canceled Friday, January 25 unless paid. He is two months past due on
his utility bill, and is half way into the billing period for the third
month since he was last able to pay the bill. So he's facing cutoff
soon. His credit cards have already been cancelled. He is two months
behind on his high speed internet and phone services. His mortgage
payment is due February 1.
For several years Mark had a great job providing technical support for the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net /hphotos-prn1/65791_1758660157 66228_5070936_n.jpg
during which time he obtained Top Secret clearance from the U.S.
Department of Defense. He was laid off in August of 2010. Next he went
back to school and completed the Microsoft Certified Network Engineer
program at CyberTex Institute of Technology (http://CyberTexIT.com).
Mark is proficient in Windows, Windows Server 2008 R2, Active
Directory, Security, and malware troubleshooting. He is actively looking
for a job, but in the meantime he and his family (wife, daughter and
grand daughter) REALLY need you help.
during which time he obtained Top Secret clearance from the U.S.
Department of Defense. He was laid off in August of 2010. Next he went
back to school and completed the Microsoft Certified Network Engineer
program at CyberTex Institute of Technology (http://CyberTexIT.com).
Mark is proficient in Windows, Windows Server 2008 R2, Active
Directory, Security, and malware troubleshooting. He is actively looking
for a job, but in the meantime he and his family (wife, daughter and
grand daughter) REALLY need you help.

Although many of you know Mark's history against the cult, if you need more information on Mark, please visit these pages:
Mark's web site: http://warrior.xenu.ca
Mark's LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mar
Mark's Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/Mark.
Why We Protest Wiki (includes Mark): https://whyweprotest.net/wiki/
Entry for Mark on Xenu-Directory: http://www.xenu-directory.net/
Pictures of Mark picketing Flag: http://home.snafu.de/tilman/cl
Certificate of Courage given to Mark by Paulette Cooper: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net
A short summary of a few of the things Mark has done:
1) Assisted several individuals during litigation involving Scientology
a) F.A.C.T. Net: subject matter expert to attorney Dan Leipold; prepared an affidavit in November of
1998. See http://www.factnet.org/declara
b) Gerry Armstrong - Mark prepared a declaration for use by Gerry Armstrong. See
c) Lawrence Wollersheim - Mark provided support to Lawrence, working on a special project
d) Lisa McPherson civil suit - Mark provided assistance to Kennan Dandar, beginning in May of 1997 and
continuing for several years. He prepared an affidavit (although not filed) and subject matter expert
assistance on Scientology policy and 'technical' issues.
e) Gave subject matter expert assistance to Zenon Panoussis and Karin Spaink in their lawsuit
f) Assisted numerous individuals in the litigation involving Scientology, including:
Arnie Lerma, Grady Ward, and Keith Henson
2) Assisted dozens of individuals seeking refunds or repayments from Scientology
3) Created the first Gerry Armstrong Archive (see http://armstrong.xenu.ca )
4) Picketed at Flag and at the Austin organization too many times to count:
5) As a member of the Rabbit Hunters, Mark tracked the Scientology
sporgers bombing alt.religion.scientology from Oct. 1998 to Nov. 1999
6) Posted thousands of educational writings to alt.religion.scientology beginning in 1996
7) Participated in radio talk shows, such as The Spiritual Seeker and X-Women
8) Shared documents exposing Scientology and its front groups
9) Assisted ex-members and their families as part of the "underground
railroad" effort helping them to connect to resources for jobs, shelter,
and counselling.
If you can find it in your heart to assist a truly wonderful human being
and activist against Scientology, please send a donation to Mark's
PayPal account -- markplummer@austin.rr.com
If you'd like to contact Mark, he may be reached at markplummer@austin.rr.com, or by a private message on Facebook.
Please pass on this message to anyone whom you feel may be willing to assist Mark.
Thanks so much for your support. Any amount that you can donate will
help to take the edge off for Mark and will be greatly appreciated.
Laughing at Scientology's Expense
What would you get if you cross breed a Borg with a Ferengi?Answer - a scientologist...
Hud Nordin reported on ars:
Colbert Report host Stephen Colbert interviewed US astronaut Garrett Reisman aboard the International Space Station, Thursday, May 8.
Comedy Channel video, LINK about 9 minutes in:
At the end of the segment (about 8:41 in):
Colbert: In closing, if any aliens are listening in, I just want to say I'm totally with you... and I welcome our alien puppet masters... Hail XENU!
Astronaut Reisman: (Laughs and pumps fist.) I'll make sure I tell them you said that, Stephen. They won't come looking for you.
Hubbard's sci-fi "religion" --
Laughed at in space, too.
"How about that? You hold on to the tin cans and then this guy asks you a bunch of questions, and if you pay enough money you get to join the master race. How's that for a religion?" -- Frank Zappa, to a concert audience at the Rockpile, Toronto, May 1969
Commodore Rim Job - and more musical hits, that Scientology won't like HERE
Here we have a monolog from last night, a talk show.KIMMEL on ABC Network
This is about Chef's new job - doing voice over work for Tom Cruise - Watch this HERE
Seinfeld runs into a Scientologist LINK
March 22, 2006 - David Letterman's Top Ten List :
Top 10 Signs your Spring Break was LAME:
#2 - #2. Your congo line leads you to one of the $cientology Centers. !!
Comedy Central - South Park - March 22 - Another episode skewers Scientology -
"They get their revenge on everyone: Isaac Hayes for quitting the show because of Scientology (showing him not only to be a brainwashed fool, but a pederast) andScientology through the thinly veiled cult they depict." (quote by a famous author, links by Arnie Lerma)
"The Mormons should be happy because Scientology came along and made them the second weirdest"
Bill Maher - March 2006
This is a must see Flash Animation about Xenu, the body thetans and $cientology, based on the Fishman documents that I was sued for posting to the net ten years ago.
Conan O'brien lets Scientology respond to criticism, appearing, wearing an OTVIII banner, is Scientology's spokesperson, McCheese.
Ok, there is no way to track, all the media on Tom Cruise and now, Katie Holmes... but if you havent seen this movie.. It is a parody of the tom cruise episode on Oprah, it is hysterically funny..."Tom Cruise Killing Oprah"
July 2005, Mad Magazine has the following clever quip in its spoof of Batman Begins:
if you want to read ONE Magazine article that will scare the hell out of you, from LIFE MAGAZINE about Scientology, read THIS ONE, and, a big THANK YOU to TOM CRUISE, for helping to get the word out about Scientology's true nature.
June Webstats:
Scientology losing ground to new Fictionology -
Parody of Dianetics and Scientology at its best
Go to TheOnion.com ( Four stars - very funny )
NEW - The Tom Cruise Safe Movie Watching kit -Now on SALE!!!
Hunter Thompson on Scientology
(From the interview "Going, going, gonzo"):
HST: Being a writer in America is very hard. A freelance writer. I'd like a monument to me indicating that you can do it. If you don't lie.
Times: If you don't lie?
HST: Yeah. That's a tricky thing to say. Yeah. I've been pretty honest, I guess, with what I've written. The only thing that would hurt me would be to be accused of some[thing] really horrible, the kind of crimes I jump on people for - Lies, treachery. If it came out I was working for Scientology all this time. (Laughs.)
(rest at): http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/071097/going.htm
Jan 26 2005 - Comedy Central
Yankerville Scientology Center
Last night on Comedy Central's TV show called Crank Yankers, a skit began by showing the Yankerville Scientology Center with two xenu type characters floating down the front stairs. The show made no further mention of them but went on to a funny skit about the Costume Store next door to them.
Goonmeet meets at NY Scientology!
Excerpt: "Now we went in there knowing we were going to act up and eventually be kicked out. So here's my best recollection of how this went down:
The movie started, we started coughing really noisily, we started clapping WAY too loudly and cheering the movie's opening credits, we shushed people so obscenely loud, we shouted catchphrases at the screen. And the scientologists started getting nervous, they started pacing around the edges of the theater, wondering what to do.
And then we went nuts
Some goon busted out an airhorn and started letting loose with it. Another goon (Javaman) blew up an inflatable sex doll, and tossed it around, Another goon took his shirt off and sat their topless while an usher asked him to put his shirt back on (his response to "sir can you please put your shirt back on?" "No, not really") Dodgeballs started being tossed around.
After 5 or so minutes of this, they started kicking us out
I was one of the first thrown out, and me and several goons started forming an exit strategy, we called goons still inside watching the movie, and gave them the orders to "make a scene and stand up and walk out" eventually they started filing out.
A few unlucky goons were cornered and couldn't make it out right away and were confronted by scientologists, and were forced to be e-metered....
Link to Somethingawful.com site Continues HERE
Presented by Fadetoblack comedy magazine, all the answers to this hilarious quiz based on a comparison of Dr Seuss to L Ron Hubbard exist on lermanet.com
SquideticsHackles Cartoon about Squidentology and Squidentics
July 22, 2003
The Amazing Troutman - Defender of Sticks a compilation of this wit's funniest posts to the newsgroupalt.religion.scientologyJuly 22, 2003
From TelevisionCity:
65. Welcome Back Kotter-
Barbarino: Mr. Kotter, what does Dianetics mean?
Kotter: Vinnie, it means don't drink the grape kool aid.
submitted by Android Cat
April 2003 - the movie "Laurel Canyon." A movie not afraid of Scientology. At the beginning of the movie a couple are going to LA from back east. The parents of the woman say "we don't want her to go out there and become a Scientologist or a vegetarian." and then everybody laughs. This was in the trailer as well. - by Jeff Jacobsen
Feb 3, 2003 - Futurama - It has a "Church of Star Trek" with a sign outside:
Comedian, guitarist, and all-around cool girl at school: Kimmy G. takes us into a Scientology center and actually completes the personality test.
[LINK to Girlcomic.net article ]
Fox network's Funniest Wedding Outtakes,
Oct 31, 2002,
A "home video" show of humorous wedding events, one segment had a waiter bringing a "money tree" to the happy couple's table during their reception. It's a paper tree with wads of paper money from their relatives and friends. There are these lovely candles at the table, and of course the tree comes a little too close and catches fire. As the quick-thinking waiter carries the flaming mass out of the hall, the show host, Katie Sagal, does a comical voice-over of the things that the money gone up in smoke won't buy: the electrolysis for the bride... the koi pond... the Scientology donations.....
contributed by Hud NordinSilicon Valley
Oct 31, 2002,
A "home video" show of humorous wedding events, one segment had a waiter bringing a "money tree" to the happy couple's table during their reception. It's a paper tree with wads of paper money from their relatives and friends. There are these lovely candles at the table, and of course the tree comes a little too close and catches fire. As the quick-thinking waiter carries the flaming mass out of the hall, the show host, Katie Sagal, does a comical voice-over of the things that the money gone up in smoke won't buy: the electrolysis for the bride... the koi pond... the Scientology donations.....
contributed by Hud Nordin
Scientology's Funny Photo's (the man with no head)
Washington Post Article with links to images
Man with No Head page ONE
Man with No Head page TWO
Washington Post Article with links to images
Man with No Head page ONE
Man with No Head page TWO
The Door Magazine
12 Least Known Teachings of Scientology
12 Least Known Teachings of Scientology
1) Scientologist doctors recommend that all thetans who want to be clear and disease free undergo a regimen of proper auditing and constant expulsion of liquid assets of at least $300,000 in order to drain completely their minds (and bank accounts).
2) [ for rest of this accurate and funny series go HERE]
On the 15 Sept 2002 episode of the HBO show "Curb Your Enthusiasm", there was a bit about a restaurant that some characters were starting up; Larry David becomes a partner in a restaurant along with Ted Danson and Michael York. David offers to pick out the waiter's uniforms. When he returns with a blue shirt with a clear miltary bent, including epaulettes, one of the other partners, played by Lou DiMaggio, says, "They might think we have Scientologists for wait people."
MAD MAGAZINE #421 September 2002 Page 15
Star Bores - EPIC LOAD II
Attack of the Clowns
Attack of the Clowns
I'm Chancellor Palpatation, head of the Senate! I have to be very careful that anything I say or do doesn't cause an all-out war with the Separatwits! The Separatwits have the ability to produce millions of clones ready to do their bidding - sort of like Scientologists, but less scary!
Top 10 Things NOT to say on a first date : [ fromhttp://www.brassknuckles.net/humor/john/firstdate.php ]
3) A lot of people think Scientology is a cult but that's not true. In fact, I want you to come to a meeting with me tomorrow to prove it. No I insist, you will come to the meeting tomorrow! You don't want the Thetans to eat your soul do you?
Scientology vs The weekly World News March 2002
Link to page HERE
"Read each quote, and try to determine if it's from one of
L. Ron Hubbard's©TM®TM©®
ScientologyTM©®TM© texts or from the Weekly World News
(a supermarket tabloid.) Don't worry, it's a difficult test,
but it doesn't count toward your GPA. We promise."
From MAD (tm) Magazine - XL #14 March 2002
Page 34
"Let's see...
They take us away from our families,
they tell us what to read, how to act and what to
think -- oh my gosh, Hogwarts is just a big cover
for Scientology!
This is from an interview with Robin Williams, He makes the ultimate connection -- Enron and El Ron.
Interviewer: Speaking of energy plans, what on earth went wrong with Enron?
Robin Williams: The employees being led on at the very end while the executives were selling stock like crazy was like people on the deck of the Titanic saying, ''We are fine, and we are booking passage for the way back.'' Enron Hubbard, the church of profitology -- aliens came to this planet with the idea of selling energy. It's almost like, ''From the people who brought you the S&L. bailout.'' It's a similar school of investment. How do you make money from a loss? You hide it!
New York Times
Sunday magazine 2/17/2002
Link to song "I got an Avagram" (Ava Paquette being the more recent author of numerous Scientology legal threat letters recently, she replaced Helena Kobrin) below
{ Image from the 1995 RAID on my home )
{ Image from the 1995 RAID on my home )
Read the Helena Kobrin Love Page
"In order to feel safer on his private jet, John Travolta has purchased a bomb-sniffing dog. Unfortunately for the actor, the dog came six movies too late" Tina Fey, Saturday Night Live
- These reviews are still funny to read
9 July 01
Even stomach flu has its advantages; cramps not only saved me from studying math, but allowed me to watch the season finale of the National Enquirer's "UNCOVERED" syndicated TV show. Kinda like a perverted "Entertainment Tonight" that's not afraid to stick a pin in $cientology's bubble.
One of the "fake" news items covered was that John Travolta and the $cientologists would be moving to their own planet "where they can live on their own hot air."
Travolta came up again in a piece on actors who had "jumped the shark," that is, committed career-ending blunders onscreen.
One of the "fake" news items covered was that John Travolta and the $cientologists would be moving to their own planet "where they can live on their own hot air."
Travolta came up again in a piece on actors who had "jumped the shark," that is, committed career-ending blunders onscreen.
They noted, however, that having "jumped the shark" with Battlefield Earth, he appeared to be clinging to the back of a "Swordfish" with the help of "Halle Berry's floatation devices."
Tom Cruise came in for a nomination as "most litigious" actor following his lawsuit against those who seem to think he may be gay. He was advised by the show to check with Nicole's lawyers if he wins, since the check would be made out to her anyway.
Tom Cruise came in for a nomination as "most litigious" actor following his lawsuit against those who seem to think he may be gay. He was advised by the show to check with Nicole's lawyers if he wins, since the check would be made out to her anyway.
From: http://www.modernhumorist.com/mh/0201/faq_enron/
Q: Who founded Enron?
A: N. Ron Hubbard, creator of the Church of Scientology—another group
under investigation by nearly every agency of the U.S. government.
Q: Who founded Enron?
A: N. Ron Hubbard, creator of the Church of Scientology—another group
under investigation by nearly every agency of the U.S. government.
Hubbard wrote Enron's mission statement, which espouses
self-determinism; the belief that Operating Thetans Level VIII have full awareness, memory and ability independent of the physical universe; and selling short while there's still time to get out.
April 2001 A few months ago, in the comic Life in Hell:
Akbar: Master, am I Enlightened?
Jeff: You have achieved Level 1 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I cleaned out my savings account for you.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 2 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I borrowed $10,000 from my parents and gave you all the money.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 3 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I sold my rare coin collection on E-bay and gave you everything.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 4 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I pawned my guitar and gave you the money.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 5 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I took a night job and I gave you every paycheck.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 6 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I revised my will, making you my sole beneficiary.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 7 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: How many levels of Enlightenment are there, anyway?
Jeff: The answer to that question is slightly out of your price range.
Akbar: Master, am I Enlightened?
Jeff: You have achieved Level 1 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I cleaned out my savings account for you.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 2 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I borrowed $10,000 from my parents and gave you all the money.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 3 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I sold my rare coin collection on E-bay and gave you everything.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 4 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I pawned my guitar and gave you the money.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 5 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I took a night job and I gave you every paycheck.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 6 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: But I revised my will, making you my sole beneficiary.
Jeff: You have achieved Level 7 of Enlightenment.
Akbar: How many levels of Enlightenment are there, anyway?
Jeff: The answer to that question is slightly out of your price range.
I saw a re-run of a Simpsons episode, the one where they visit
"Itchy & Scratchy Land". Sometime, Bart & Lisa visit the gift shop, where they find different plush animals, that were the
"friends" of Itchy & Scratchy. One of them was the "Ku Klux Klam". It was a triangular clam, looking a bit like a KKK member.
ROFL!!! One should make a drawing of this and write "A R C" around it.
--Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP4] tilman@berlin.snafu.dehttp://www.xenu.de
"Itchy & Scratchy Land". Sometime, Bart & Lisa visit the gift shop, where they find different plush animals, that were the
"friends" of Itchy & Scratchy. One of them was the "Ku Klux Klam". It was a triangular clam, looking a bit like a KKK member.
ROFL!!! One should make a drawing of this and write "A R C" around it.
--Tilman Hausherr [KoX, SP4] tilman@berlin.snafu.dehttp://www.xenu.de
Silicon Valley From Magician's Penn and Teller:
"There was only one good thing about the Challenger disaster, it blew that rat bastard L Ron Hubbard's obituary off the front page"
"There was only one good thing about the Challenger disaster, it blew that rat bastard L Ron Hubbard's obituary off the front page"
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