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United in unison
Posted Wed Apr 9th, 2008 11:15am Post subject: Scientology?
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This may come across as slightly misplaced or disjointed, I feel pretty manic at the moment, as well as angry.

Browsing around in my own particular manner a few days previous, I can across an advert promising new treatments for bi-polar disorder, and add/adhd. This is particularly interesting to me, as I was diagnosed after a long struggle in 2001 with bipolar II, my partner was diagnosed with ADHD/ODD many years previous and I worked in mental health for several years, we tend to keep up to date with the latest treatments.

However, as soon as I saw the contact details for this "new treatment" I was surprised to see it was the contact details for the London branch of the Church of Scientology. Knowing they have a real axe to grind with the "psychs" as they call them, I dug around a bit. Turns out, despite offering treatment for bipolar/adhd, they go on to claim that neither condition exists, and much worse, their "treatment" is to remove a person from any "psych" medication, and replace it with "auditing" (essentially being questioned using a lie detector called an "e-meter") and medically dubious amounts of vitamins.

This, unfortunately has had some severe consequences when it has been applied to people suffering from schizophrenia, two recent cases from Australia where a previously stable person has been removed from their medication, and gone on to attack people.

I realise this might sound far-fetched, it did to me, so i feel the burden is on me to provide some information:

Wikileaks recently obtained thousands of documents, its a lot to sift through, but there is a lot of information. For a brief insight, you may just wish to look at the questions the "childrens sec check" or the "Johannesburg Confessional".

For further general information on Scientology, I advise you visit the following

Or please, if you doubt anything I have said, just get on google and start searching.

A general disclaimer (for my conscience more than anything):

I have personally had issues with the use of pharmaceutical drugs, and they do not work for me. However, both in my work history, and personal life, I have seen that such drugs can have a great positive effect on peoples lives. I also do not wish to be seen as a "religious bigot" as scientology has branded so many critics, I believe in freedom of speech and religion, but I feel this was just too important and potentially dangerous not to pass on to everyone here.

I'm off to write to my MP. Might not do much but it will occupy this mind a little while longer. Thankyou for your time.