Posted: February 20, 2013 Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: rootbrian, wordpress, blog, it,out, go, blogging, Videos, the root, blogger, blogs, text blog, Toronto, Bloggity, why, i, word, press, News, Media,Anon, Anonymous, con, ontario, wp, Money, Tips, blog entry, post, wordpress blog, viddler, video, scientology, osa,RPF, front group, front groups, cult, scientology front group, scientology front groups, rb, protest, toronto anonymous, anonymous toronto, protesting, lulz, cults, fair game policy, fair game, disconnection, danger,dangerous, fraud, brainwashing, LRH, xenu, xemu, office of special affairs, the guardians office, SO, Sea Org, drug-free marshals, applied scholastics, child slave labour, ex-scientologist, ex-sea org, posts, blog post, scientology protest, scientology raid, scam, sect, sects, paul haggis, lisa mcpherson, tom cruise, john travolta, ex-scientology,exscientologykids, ex-scientology kids, yfhri, yfhr, youth for human rights, youth for human rights international, mind control, guardians office, Black PR, OSA ally, OSA spies, OSA PI's, OSA PI, PI, scientology PI, cons, Mission,Scientology Toronto, Video footage, footage, speaking out, human rights abuses, human rights violations, Gold base, goldbase, mono, nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, middle of nowhere, simple, mirror, abuse, ABLE, The Way to Happiness, Way to Happiness, dead-agent, dead-agenting, david love, speaking up, got, why I got out, tom cruise video, mirrors, copy, mirrored, Survival Guide, Courage, Bear, Witness, Abuses, KSW, How, Works, Purification Run-Down Leave a comment »Shared this from a friend on facebook:
1. One of your so called ‘friends’ or ‘family members’ reports you to ‘ethics’ in their local ‘org’ (otherwise known as throwing you under a bus in exchange for their ‘eternal freedom’) because you have said or done something contrary to some ‘real’ or imagined laws within the cult. Usually evidence that you’ve had an ‘aha’ moment and are onto them. Yikes!
2. The ‘Church’ culls your files (including any information in your ‘confessionals’ and ‘personal’ interviews and interrogates everyone you know for ‘incriminating evidence’ of your anti-Scientology activities. If they don’t recall such activities their memories are nudged into the right direction (squeal on your loved one or else).
3. All of the information is collected together and now goes to ‘OSA’ (Office of Special Affairs (AKA CIA headquarters) as you have now been adjudicated to be a ‘threat’.
4. A full ‘handling’ program will be written up which will include pulling in your ‘friends’ and family members and giving them instructions on what needs to be done. Such instructions are given under the threat of further ‘ethics or justice’ actions (punishment) for ‘non-compliance’.
5. You are called in under duress of ‘ethics or justice’ actions (whichever will terrify you into compliance faster) or your relatives are called in and ordered to go and ‘handle you’ under the same conditions of duress.
6. CONDITIONAL: (unlikely unless you really are a massochist). You report in the the ‘Church’ for your handling and are given a stack of super sekrit files all about ‘the bad guys’ who are either ‘religious bigots’, ‘bitter defrocked apostates’, ‘squirrels’ (if you’re in on the lingo), ‘hate groups’ or failing everything else some ‘Anonymous’ or someone being financed by ‘big pharma’. Meanwhile you are hammered about your ‘unethical’ or ‘suppressive’ behavior and threatened and badgered into getting back with the program. If at all possible at this point they will try to get you on an E-Meter. Easy to avoid if you just say you’re not a Scientologist so there’s no reason for you to hang onto their silly contraption.
6. KEEPING IT REAL: You tell the ‘Church’ in no uncertain terms to fuck off. Now they’ve got nothing. What are they going to do? Declare you? All they can do is continue to hound and pound any living relative into getting you to STFU and get inline with the program using continued threats.
7. Some go away quietly at this point wanting no further trouble. As long as their friends and relatives stay with the program and disconnect or keep you under control everything is fine and dandy. However some people choose to use their ‘God-given right’ to speak freely about their thoughts, feelings and experience regarding their experiences with the ‘Church’ and decide to do so. For some this is a vital part of the ‘healing’.
8. The OSA machinery goes into full swing. If you’ve made too much ‘noise’ and people are starting to listen to you OSA fabricates a story about you to feed to their sheeple so there is no chance they will start to wake up and leave. As ‘Members of the Church’ have very limited access to real world information (the reading of non-‘Church approved’ literature or media is strictly forbidden) then this is often enough to keep the ‘flock’ from straying. If you’ve been really naughty you may at this point earn yourself the golden ticket – an excommunication notice written on bright yellow paper and hidden in a drawer so no-one finds out they’ve done it – kind of defeats the purpose really but they take it out once in a while and proudly announce that they’ve discovered that you are part devil and part lunatic and THAT’s why you hate the ‘church’ (not because they tried to destroy your life or take your children away).
9. If you continue to be a pest for the ‘Church’ don’t be surprised to suddenly ‘discover’ some quote from Karin (big fat liar) Pouw (current puppet – erm I mean ‘spokesperson’ for the ‘Church of Scientology’) saying that you’ve been recruited by David Love or me or Marty Rathbun or some faction of Anonymous and you’re all being paid by ‘Eli Lilly’. Yup. they’re THAT insane. If you’re considered very high risk they will hire lunatics to film you, follow you, surveille you, send agents to make friends with and get ‘close’ to you and hack into your email and phone – all in a desperate bid to find your ‘hidden crimes’ and ‘sexual perversions’ (like anyone on planet earth is an angel and anyone else cares less). They demand that ‘friends’ or ‘family’ members still in ‘good standiing’ act as spies and report back to them on your activities in order to maintain their status.
The ultimate plan is to destroy you utterly – financially, emotionally and physically.
I have a first hand report from an ex OSA agent that the actual physical death of a ‘critic’ was cause for champaign celebrations among OSA staff members when he was inside.
The ultimate plan is to destroy you utterly – financially, emotionally and physically.
I have a first hand report from an ex OSA agent that the actual physical death of a ‘critic’ was cause for champaign celebrations among OSA staff members when he was inside.
10. You beat the ‘Church’ to a pulp simply by exposing them for the lying sack of shit scum bags that they are and they go off and sulk and stand in a corner calling you mean names. Meanwhile you find you have lost a high percentage of your ‘friends’ and possibly ‘family’ and worse you find you have been betrayed by people you once trusted. It can be heartbreaking. BUT you’ve made it out alive and sane and you suddenly find somewhere along the line that you’ve made new friends – REAL friends who have stuck by you through it all. And you realize you’re not alone. And it’s easy to fight back and win
Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry with pride
Scientology – Why I got out (the video that the church/cult is trying to eradicate like the tom cruise video) →
Scientology – Why I got out (the video that the church/cult is trying to eradicate like the tom cruise video) →
Concerns raised after Woodridge State High School seminar sponsored by Church of Scientology
- The Courier-Mail
- February 22, 2013
Staff and students were not aware course material was used was sponsored by the Church of Scientology. Picture: Bob BarkerSource:
CONCERN around religious influence in Queensland state schools has hit a new high after it was revealed students undertook a seminar without being told it was sponsored by the Church of Scientology.
Queensland Teachers' Union president Kevin Bates said the lack of disclosure was concerning.
"The key issue is that (their links) were unbeknown to the school," Mr Bates said.
Ethicist Dr Simon Longstaff said all organisations should disclose their backgrounds when coming into schools, adding it was essential for staff and students to make informed decisions to consent.
Church of Scientology spokeswoman Sei Broadhurst said they also believed that religious groups should disclose their identity before doing any school visits but YHR was not a religious group and had provided only human rights information, not religious information in the seminar, which was delivered by a Christian.
There have previously been complaints of creationism being taught in state high schools.
Australian Secular Lobby (ASL) national spokesman Hugh Wilson yesterday cited three separate cases involving high schools teaching creationism, saying this and evangelism was unacceptable.
ASL, along with academic Dr Cathy Byrne, have been vocal in their opposition against religious instruction and chaplains in state schools, arguing they have no place in a secular system. But Education Queensland assistant director-general Marg Pethiyagoda said it was normal practice for teachers to present different perspectives in science syllabus topics.
"In that context, it is possible for creationism to arise, for example, in an assessment task that requires the comparison of a scientific theory to a non-scientific one," she said.
She said RI in state schools was legislated and the YHR seminar in December at Woodridge was introduced by an Anti-Discrimination Commission representative as part of World Human Rights Day.
Meanwhile, in a move principals say defies logic, state school teachers have been told they are not allowed to do professional development during school time.
Queensland Association of State School Principals president Hilary Backus said principals were "extremely concerned" by the ban.
She said there were six pupil-free days where professional development could be undertaken but this was not enough.
Union president Kevin Bates said professional development was "fundamental to a quality education system".
A flying visit! Katie Holmes masters the art of travelling light as she jets into LA with just her carry on luggage
Most stars find it hard to travel light, but Katie Holmes has the art of minimal packing down, taking one small carry on for her flight out of New York on Thursday.
Despite flying coast to coast, the 34-year-old is clearly not planning a long trip away as she bought with her just a handbag and one small barely half full duffel bag.
Who needs bags? Katie Holmes traveled light for her flight out of New York on Thursday
While the thought of not bringing much luggage, or in many celebrities' cases many shoes with them, would be a nightmare for most, for the mother of one - six-year-old Suri - it is obviously liberating.
The Thank You For Not Smoking star looked in good spirits as she dashed into JFK airport even breaking into a full smile, and not her infamous half smile which has been the subject of many jokes around Hollywood.
Looking relaxed and comfortable, Katie donned a baggy lemon knit sweater over a white shirt with blue bootleg jeans and tan cowboy boots.
Made for traveling: Katie wore cowboy boots with bootleg jeans for her coast to coast journey
The actress shaded her eyes with round heavy framed glasses and wore her dark brown hair flowing loosely past her shoulders.
Just a few hours later, Katie touched down in Los Angeles and added a light weight blue coat to her ensemble, which had conveniently fit inside her small duffel bag.
As she was helped through the terminal Katie glowed as her complexion, as always, was flawless which is lucky as the actress has just been announced as the new face of Bobbi Brown make-up.
Same, Same but different: Katie added a light weight blue coat to her look when she touched down in Los Angeles, California
Glowing: The 34-year-old has been named the face of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics and on Thursday showed off her great complexion
In addition to donning the iconic make-up brand, Katie attributes her great skin to three things.
Mummy time: Little Suri did not join her mother for the trip
'I drink a lot of water. I do hot yoga to sweat all the toxins out. And I love masks. I sleep in an SK-II Treatment Mask. Every night!
'And I use the Dr. Hauschka Firming and Rejuvenating masks.
'I like to do them during Skype calls with my friends, just to keep it real. Face time.'
However, Katie's skin care regime - water aside - does not come keep with the SK-II masks costing over $120 for ten.
But obviously the star thinks it makes a difference as she glowed as she walked through the airport solo.
Little Suri was not with her mother as she was attending school.
Last week the six-year-old had jetted via helicopter to see her father, Tom Cruise, who split from Katie last year. Katie has full custody of Suri while her famous actor husband has generous visitation rights.
Earlier this month, the Jack Reacher star, 50, sold his condo in New York City's East Village neighborhood for a reported $3 million.
He had shared the home with both Katie and second wife Australian actress Nicole Kidman.
Thanks for the memories: Katie's ex-husband Tom Cruise sold one of their New York homes this month
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