First, certainly most of our dear readers know that Tony Ortega broke this story first and that the NY Post article and the dozens of other articles which came afterhe broke the story (what, a couple days later, right?) don’t seem to be giving credit where credit is due. The NY Post has a lot of nerve claiming that their article was an “exclusive”. NY Post is a sleazy, shameless tabloid rag — no legitimate source in their right mind is going to give those lowest common denominator bastards an “exclusive” anything. This is the kind of rag normal people go out of their way not to read. Tony’s story was the real exclusive, with access to legitimate sources. Fortunately it looks like at least a few major news outlets are ignoring the NY Post & acknowledging the original source.
If any other news source wants to claim running an “exclusive,” they’re going to have to get a personal statement from Remini publicly confirming dumping the cult & explaining what led to that.
The CC Int President’s Office has been in almost nonstop damage control since at least Tuesday, when Greg LaClaire (one of the main PR reps to the media) started getting swamped by phone calls & getting stopped by Scilons in the halls asking what the fuck is going on. We haven’t seen him around in a couple days, so he’s probably been stuck behind his desk. We’ve overheard the chaplain, Alexis Meyersfield, shamelessly lying to publics asking about the situation with Remini, telling them that everything is fine between the Church & Remini, and that the media are grasping at straws & desperate for a new angle.
Yeah, well, the media are always desperate for a new angle, but that doesn’t really answer their questions now, does it? After all, if Scientology is so perfect and David Miscavige such a great, compassionate, wonderful, generous human being, “the leader of leaders,” then how could it be possible that all these high level officials & notables have been leaving the cult one after another just about every year since the early 2000s? Meyersfield has no real answers to such questions. Honestly, in all these years, we’ve never quite understood what exactly the post of “chaplain” (really just a low level PR post) actually accomplishes other than pissing off & frustrating already pissed off & frustrated Scilons even more than they already are, and convincing those Scilons who were were wavering in their commitment to Scientology to start demanding refunds/repayments. Meyersfield has had the good fortune & easy comfort of being in this post for years now — with the number of publics demanding their money back just this week, maybe her luck in this area is beginning to run out.
That Scilon publics at CC Int are actually going out of their way to ask these kinds of questions is very unusual — we haven’t seen or heard this level of questioning in years. The last time when Scilon publics really started aggravating CC Int like this was when the Int execs all suddenly disappeared from events & publications. The mood at Int events became weird & stark when it became obvious that Scientology management basically consisted of one man: David Miscavige. For years all these Kool Aid drinkers thought there were checks & balances, that Miscarriage was just one executive out of many, and that he had no part in the day-to-day operations of the Church. For some years now the cult doesn’t even seem to bother trying to hide the fact that Miscarriage is indeed the sole power & that Scientology management is essentially a one-man show. Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, right? Except the Wizard of Oz wasn’t an insane, narcissistic, psychopathic, sadistic megalomaniacal pervert.
As usual, most staff are being deliberately kept in the dark, and most know better than to even raise any questions, but most already know what’s been happening. Scilons have got to be the ultimate practitioners of cognitive dissonance.
Reportedly Bob Duggan (the biggest Scilon whale) tried to get a call in to Dave Petit yesterday (CO CC Int) when he was being given the run around by RTC & CSI reps. Guess he figured Petit would at least be available, but he also wasn’t available to speak to Duggan. Wealthy Scilon publics who know Petit personally often think he’s really their “friend” since unlike the flunkies over at CSI & RTC, he actually makes an effort at being human & giving somewhat coherent answers — meaning he tries to keep up the PR without making things worse, which as many of you know, is one of the things Scilon officials excel at: making bad PR situations even worse. So this time maybe they’re trying to play it smart & ordering all execs on public lines to keep their mouths shut. No idea what the call was about, but kind of a bad idea to avoid talking to the biggest whale of all when the shit is not only hitting the fan, but getting sprayed & flung all over the entire org. What a mess.
What this situation comes down to is questioning the efficacy & validity of the “Tech”. Everything else is simply justification to question Scientology itself & end the absurd cycle of cognitive dissonance. Jason Beghe was and still remains the best example of this — this is someone who was one of the most popular & personable publics of CC Int, and even when he was being royally screwed over & ripped off & flagrantly lied to, he was still a nice enough guy that he went out of his way to not get any staff in trouble & essentially willing to quietly leave without making a fuss. Obviously, it didn’t work that way, and as usual, Scilon handlings only helped escalate a bad situation into something worse enough that not even the late attempt at intervention by Petit was enough to reverse things.
Remini’s situation is a little different, because when she dared to question the tech, she was treated with contempt & derision, even threatened& bullied. They didn’t even bother to attempt to play nice & put on a smile & try to handle things for the sake of PR. But to actually bully her?
Believe it or not, with some Scilons, that shit actually works. Elisabeth Moss, who has been treated like shit for a long while now, in the most despicable way possible that we can’t believe Scilons could stoop so low, and not getting any support from her father Ron Moss, who is basically a cult zombie. Ron Moss of course currently has his hooks into Kyle Eastwood & trying to lure him into the cult, while Scilon fraudsters & Reed Slatkin wannabes Tyler Shields & Fraser Kee Scott try to brainwash Francesca Eastwood — all of this as part of a very lame, hopelessly doomed to fail strategy to get to Clint Eastwood into Scientology before he “drops the body”. As Tyler Shields’ wonderfully eloquent & polite mother recently informed us, “there is no Clint & Dina anymore” so we assume that the Scilon crew of Ron Moss, Tyler Shields, & Fraser Kee Scott weren’t enough to keep them all together & bring them into Scientology as one shiny happy family.
Now, despite our animosity towards Kool Aid drinkers in general & Scilons in particular, there are some Scilons we don’t like to talk about or take an interest in. We tend to avoid talking about John Travolta, for example, because Scilon publics & senior staff gossip about him so much & in the worst ways possible that he’s the butt of jokes whenever he quietly shows up for auditing at CC Int. CC Int execs have no respect for him at all, and security guards treat him like a pariah. Despite the shit they give him & put him through, Travolta treats everyone with respect & goes out of his way to be nice. Kelly Preston is treated with even more contempt & derision, so much so that she’s been bullied & guilted (like Billy Sheehan) into giving public lectures at CC Int in addition to being subjected to various humiliations. With Sheehan they went so far as to require him to picket anti-cult protesters — overall an extremely degrading experience. Michael D Roberts is the only other “celeb” we can think of who’s been subject to even more degrading experiences in public than most others, but he’s always been something of a self-righteous asshole, so he’s been “pulling it in” for a long time.
Obviously it’s pathetic that these people go out of their way to remain Scilons in good standing, but we won’t get involved since they receive equal trashing & ridicule from both within Scientology & in the outside world.
Leah Remini is another person who has never been very well liked by staff (namely senior staff), at least here at CC Int — keeping in mind she’s not been on regular service lines at CC Int for quite some time. With someone like Jenna Elfman, rank-and-file staff hate her guts because she’s a tool & a zealous Miscarriage bootlicker. A really disgusting excuse for a human being.
With Remini, she was not very well liked because it was felt she wasn’t really part of the “group” (so much for Scientology being about freedom & individuality) & that her dedication to the group & Command Intention (Miscarriage) was non-existent. We have no idea whether they broached these issues with her to her face, but certainly the level of gossip about her coming from senior staff indicated they hated her guts & had no respect for her — Tommy Davis was one particularly nasty character, and he became even nastier after getting promoted out of CC Int up to international spokesman — the worst possible choice for PR man. One of Tommy’s favorite pastimes was belittling & humiliating Scilon celebs who were considered out-ethics to their faces & encouraging degrading jokes & gossip. Davis was (and likely still is) pure scum — when they couldn’t find anything in some notable or wealthy Scilon’s folder to humiliate or embarrass them with as leverage to “get ethics in”, they’d spread false rumors about them among staff & force them into absurdly expensive confessionals & sec checks before being allowed to keep “moving up the Bridge”.
With some people, the severely addicted Kool Aid drinkers like Travolta & his wife, Billy Sheehan, Michael D Roberts, Marisol Nichols, among most others — this works like gangbusters.
But with people like Jason Beghe, Placido Domingo Jr, Leah Remini — who aren’t part of any Scilon cliques, who don’t spend much time with other Scilons, and who don’t even come across as Scilons, these tactics not only don’t work, but they backfire ridiculously. The notables the cult treats the worst are those they have nothing to hold over — no leverage = no control.
Anyone who’s read Battlefield Earth will know that the whole novel basically revolves around this Hubbardian concept of “leverage”, upon which Psychlo civilization seems to have been established. Of course, the Psychlos represent psychiatrists & are technically a kind of ancient galactic psychiatrist and … fucking hell, somehow our body thetans are acting up again & going off on a tangent on their own.
So yeah, the Hub was obviously a lunatic, and in this lunacy Scientologists became obsessed with holding leverage over one another. Anyone they can’t hold any leverage over, who they can’t control, is hated & reviled — if Scilons can’t find anything terrible dark secrets to use against someone, then by definition that person is withholding countless crimes & has probably been a criminal & pervert for trillions of years. This is how fanatical Scilons actually view other people. Somehow Scilons consider LRH & David Miscarriage immune to this & consider them both to be the biggest beings in the history of the universe. We honestly can’t see any difference between the Psychlo’s & Scilons, and we think Battlefield Earth was LRH’s unconscious way of admitting that he was really a psych & that Scientology is really psychiatry in disguise. Must be our body thetans again.
But seriously, this is really how the Sea Org operates, and even how Scilon publics deal with each other. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that since the late 1990s more & more Scilon publics are keeping their kids in public schools or sending them to non-Scilon private schools. Attendance at Scilon-run schools is so low that Delphi, the largest chain of Applied Scholastics licensed grade schools, is actually desperately begging alumni for funds to keep it afloat.
Why are Scilons, even some of the most fanatical Kool Aid drinkers, refusing to send their children to Scilon-run schools these days? Sea Org recruiters are one reason. It used to be that Scilon parents encouraged their kids to join the Sea Org — quite a few still do, but in reality, based on the number of KRs written by Sea Org recruiters & Project Prepare I/Cs, most Scilon parents refuse to grant permission for the minor children to join the Sea Org, and lately not even the threat of a Comm Ev or an SP declare is enough to force them to give in. So, it’s obvious that more and more Scilon parents are willing to give up their “Bridge” in order to keep their children from joining the Sea Org while they’re still under 18.
Another reason is academic incompetence. For a long time Scilon parents were fed false data & made up statistics “proving” that Scilon-run schools like Delphi are superior in every way to wog (normal) schools. Then the Internets happened & eventually a few people started researching & finding that the claims & statistics provided by Scilon-run schools are not only false, but that they are so academically subpar & incompetent that most students aren’t even able to pass standardized tests, score horribly low in science & mathematics, are barely able to understand science & mathematics, and that virtually all statistics were either manipulated or outright fabricated.
The situation has become so bad that Scilon-run schools are essentially viewed by Scilon parents as nothing more than Sea Org recruitment centers, because that’s the only reason to send your kids there: to prep them for a lifetime of servitude in the Sea Org. This is how most Scilon parents in good standing view these schools — most of them wouldn’t send their kids to these schools for a million dollars.
But that’s not even the worst of it. The reputation & perception of the Sea Org has degenerated to such ridiculously low levels that many Scilon youths openly ridicule the idea of joining the Sea Org & spread “black PR” about it. They don’t even give a damn about getting written up.
Doesn’t get more real than this: we’ve actually overheard Sea Org recruiters explaining to Scilons that the “rumours” about Sea Org members not being allowed to sleep, having no food to eat, having to sleep on the floor, not being allowed to use the bathroom, etc etc are all false.
A few weeks ago the 20-something year old son of a major, major Scilon whale actually laughed when a Sea Org member asked if they’d be interested in joining staff & told her that he’s not gay, is never getting married, and enjoys casual sex. Of course, like Bijou Philips he spends more time in Ethics than in session or on course.
Ourselves, we think such tactics are used to avoid going in session or going on course, since their involvement in Scientology is likely to appease their parents or maintain some kind of status quo in the family. This past year at CC Int it’s become absurd to the degree that Ethics ignores most KRs written up on Scilon youths who lovingly share their sexual exploits with Sea Org recruiters.
For the cult, these type of Scilon kids are the worst of the worst, because not only do they willingly reveal their “out-ethics” but they’re actually proud of it! So still no leverage.
Scientology. Yeah, it’s all about the leverage. And lately, the lack thereof.
the above is from one of the most hilarious and contrevertial scientology sites out there .... you should definitely check it!
EXCLUSIVE: 'Uncle David won't be happy - all he cares about is PR': Scientology leader David Miscavige's outspoken niece hails Leah Remini as 'fantastic and brave'
- Jenna Miscavige left the church in 2000 and praises Leah for getting out for the sake of her young daughter
- She says the church would usually try to 'smear' defectors but is now 'struggling'
- Jenna admits she still has NO idea as to the whereabouts of David Miscavige's wife, her aunt Shelly - calling it a 'mystery'
She has told of her traumatic childhood amid the murky realms of Scientology – prompting her to flee the church when she was 20.
And today the niece of Scientology leader David Miscavige has revealed he will be extremely unhappy by the departure of King of Queens star Leah Remini – as it is ‘definitely not good PR’ for the organisation – adding: ‘PR for the most part is all they care about.’
Jenna Miscavige, an outspoken critic of the religion – having once dubbed her uncle David ‘evil’ - says she thinks it is ‘fantastic’ news, telling MailOnline: ‘I’m really happy for Leah. I think it took a lot of courage on her part to do this so publically.'

Happy, now: Jenna Miscavige, the niece of Scientology leader David Miscavige, seen here with her young son Archie and husband Dallas, today said it was 'fantastic' news that Leah Remini had quit the Church


Kept from her parents: Jenna Miscavige has told how she was parted from her parents when she was just 12
Speaking exclusively, Jenna, 29, a third-generation Scientologist who left the organisation when she when she was 20 in 2005, added: 'It’s fantastic that she got out – but to me, the best part is that she has a young daughter and it’s great she won’t have to be brought up in the church.
‘Scientology definitely does use families in order to get people to do what they want them to do, they know people care and love for their families.
‘So if they have to use the threat of possibly losing them in order to get them to tow the line they’ll do it.’
'The Church is all about influence and control and defectors definitely don’t help that agenda'
Jenna said she had met Leah once, and when asked how her uncle would take the news of her departure, she replied: ‘I’m guessing not very well! ‘There are so many things going on for the church right now and this is just another thing.
‘It’s definitely not good PR for them – and PR , for the most part is all they care about.'
The daughter of Elizabeth and Ron Miscavige, Jr. Jenna was subjected to a childhood in the teachings of Scientology - and was separated from her parents from the age of 12.
Now a happily married mother-of-two living in San Diego, California, with her husband Dallas and their two children three-year-old Archie and 13-month-old daughter Winnie, Jenna said: ‘I think Leah’s brave, I’m really happy for her.
'The Church is all about influence and control and defectors definitely don’t help that agenda.
‘I can imagine it’s been very stressful for Leah. But the Church is struggling – in the past they would smear defectors and say bad things about them, now people know these tactics.

Troubled: Jenna Miscavige released a book on being brought up in Scientology earlier this year. She managed to finally leave the church when she was 20.
‘I think more recently they’ve got stuck in a weird place where they think ‘do we smear them or do we not?’
‘I do think now it’s easier than ever to leave. It’s becoming easier and easier to become vocal about the church, and look at the all celebrities leaving like Lisa Marie Presley, Katie Holmes and Paul Haggis.
‘All those people leaving makes it easier for Leah to go too. Good for Leah.’
At the age of seven, Jenna was admitted to the Sea Organisation, the branch of Scientology's most dedicated followers - and was forced to sign a billion-year contract that bound her immortal spirit (known as the 'Thetan' to a life of dedication to the Church.
In April, she told the Independent: 'Looking back I feel completely brainwashed. I didn't even know what I liked or what sort of person I was. I was just a robot of the church.'
Despite her tender age, Jenna was forced into gruelling labour for several hours a day from the age of six to 12, including digging trench holes for irrigation and rock hauling.
And between the ages of 12 and 18, Jenna saw her mother only twice and father four times. They then left the religion when she was 16 – while she chose to stay behind, admitting she knew nothing else at the time.
Actress Leah,43, made her dramatic break from the church this week. She had been a member for three decades - and is one of Scientology's most famous faces.

'Truly grateful': Actress Leah Remini thanked fans for their support after quitting Scientology this week. She's pictured here with husband Angelo Pagan and daughter Sofia Bella in August 2012.

Friends in high places: Kings of Queens star Leah Remini chats to A - list star Will Smith at the People's Choice Awards in January 2005


Starry eyed: Actress Leah Remini is friends with famous Scientologists Jennifer Lopez and Tom Cruise
The star, who is married to Angelo Pagan, with whom she has a nine–year-old daughter called Sofia Bella, is also believed to have donated millions of dollars to the church.
However, her relationship with Scientology began to falter after she allegedly asked as to the whereabouts of David Miscaviage’s wife Shelley at the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in Italy in November 2006 – only to be told the question was out of line.
'It's as much a mystery to me as it is to everyone'
Jenna Miscavige on her missing Aunt Shelly
She also called the management ‘corrupt’ and is said to have made a break from the church after facing years of "interrogations" and "thought modification" for questioning leader David Miscavige's rule.
The star spoke out last night, saying: ‘I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and fans from around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.’
When asked about Shelley Miscaviage today, Leah admitted her aunt’s departure remains ‘as much a mystery to me as it is to everyone.’

Escaped: Jenna Miscavige and her husband Dallas. Dallas was also a member of Scientology and the couple now live in San Diego with their two young children


Row: Leah Remini is believed to have incured the wrath of Scientology elders after asking where Shelly Miscavige was at the 2006 wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in Rome
Jenna, who this year released her tome on her troubling childhood, called 'Beyond Belief: My Secret Life Inside Scientology and My Harrowing Escape',
Leah would have had to under go 'auditing' - Scientology’s form of counseling,where a church member holds the sensors of the machine, which measures skin galvanism and is reflected in the motion of a needle indicator.
And Jenna said: ‘The confessional goes on for a long time, and as Leah probably realised, when you see that you didn’t do anything wrong, it becomes harder and harder to deal with it.’
Leah’s mother Vicki Marshall, is thought to remain an Operating Thetan Level Eight (the highest level of Scientology spiritual advancement) and Class Six Auditor, her stepfather, who is Operating Thetan Level Seven.

TV star: Leah Remini made her name starring opposite Kevin James in sitcom King of Queens
However her parents and sisters are standing by her and have promised not to let the family break apart.
However, Jenna says she is still banned from contacting the friends she grew up with, saying: ‘I have new friends now, and I still miss the people who I grew up with.'
Despite being back in contact with her parents, Jenna added: ‘There’s no messing around, you really do completely get cut off.’
‘I have my own family now though and it’s nice that I got out while I was still young enough.’
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And Another One’s Gone
UPDATED![BlindGossip] We are pleased to announce another defection from this ridiculous group. She is not talking about it yet, but we can tell you that she is an actress, and that she was a member of the group for many years.Her new full-time gig doesn’t require any press time this summer, so she is keeping a very low profile for the time being. She started getting paranoid that her phone conversations were being tapped and that her child/ren were being followed, so she quietly consulted with another former member of the group (who is also an entertainer and Mom concerned about the safety of her kid/s). After their talk, the actress got new phones and hired new bodyguards to protect herself and her child/ren.We don’t know if she has talked to her best friend – who is still a member of the group – about her decision.Actress:Mom:Best Friend:It’s Leah Remini! Source: BlindGossip.comActress: Leah ReminiMom: Lisa Marie PresleyBest Friend: Jennifer LopezShe’s finally out of the Church of Sci*ntology! Good for you, Leah Remini!Leah Remini is best known for her role as Carrie Heffernan on the CBS sitcom The King of Queens and as Stacey Carosi on the NBC sitcom Saved by the Bell. She was a panelist on The Talk in 2011, and can currently be seen on the television sitcom Family Tools.Blogger and former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega has been doggedly pursuing and exposing the inner workings of the Co$ for years, and detailing his findings in his blog The Underground Bunker. He just published a story confirming our blind item that Leah Remini is the latest defector from the Co$. From The Underground Bunker:On Friday, we reported that we’d received a tip King of Queens actress Leah Remini had left the Church of Scientology in an angry fit. We asked our tipsters for more information, and we got it.Over the weekend, we were contacted by several sources with detailed inside knowledge who tell us Remini is breaking away because of the way leader David Miscavige is treating church members, Sea Org workers, and Scientology itself.According to our sources, Remini has been distancing herself from what she refers to as the church’s “corrupt management” for a few years. And it started with a dramatic scene.In November 2006, Remini was one of numerous celebrity guests at the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes at a castle outside Rome. Cruise’s best man was David Miscavige, who has been the church’s leader since the death of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, in 1986.Notably absent, however, was Miscavige’s wife, Shelly. Remini dared to ask about it — and loudly.
Shelly Miscavige has been “missing” for several years.The story was picked up from there by many news organizations. From The Huffington Post:Leah Remini Quits Scientology
After ‘Years Of Interrogations’
Leah Remini, the star of “King of Queens,” has reportedly quit Scientology.According to the New York Post, Remini was subjected to “years of ‘interrogations’ and ‘thought modifications’” after she questioned Scientology leader David Miscavige. A source told the Post that the church questioned Remini’s family and “blacklisted” her before she quit.The Brooklyn native admitted to being a Scientologist in a 2001 interview and has defended the church multiple times. She even hosted gatherings where she would help fellow church members get to the next level of Scientology practice. An email she wrote about the events, was published on Gawker. But Mike Rinder, a Scientologist blogger, wrote that the “drama surrounding Leah has been ongoing for some time.”Scientologist expert and former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega uncovered Remini’s rift with the church earlier this week. He said that at the wedding of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, Remini asked Miscavige, who was also Cruise’s best man, why his wife was absent. Ortega reported that Miscavige’s wife has been “kept out of sight at a secretive Scientology facility near Lake Arrowhead.” After the wedding, Remini wrote church-authorized reports in which she criticized Miscavige and his leadership. In the years that followed, the actress and her family were reportedly subjected to repeated questioning and hostility.
We first told you that Remini was preparing to leave the church almost exactly a year ago. While Remini is one tough girl, it was very scary for her to realize that leaving the famously controlling “church” might endanger her family. She consulted with singer Lisa Marie Presley, who moved away from the “church” herself over the past couple of years.Remini talked to Presley a lot about how to keep her family safe during the transition, and took Presley’s suggestions on changing out her phones and her security staff. We don’t know if she spoke to best friend Jennifer Lopez about her plans, as Lopez continues to have strong ties to the “church”.While it took Remini a year to finalize her departure and have it made public, we are glad she is now out, and hope that she remains safe.Congratulations to everyone who got this one right!UPDATE:Leah Remini made a statement about the past few days. While she doesn’t mention Co$ directly, it is pretty clear that she is acknowledging the support she is receiving while making this transition:“I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and from fans around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support,” she says in a statement to People.
And Another One’s Gone
[BlindGossip] We are pleased to announce another defection from this ridiculous group. She is not talking about it yet, but we can tell you that she is an actress, and that she was a member of the group for many years.
Her new full-time gig doesn’t require any press time this summer, so she is keeping a very low profile for the time being. She started getting paranoid that her phone conversations were being tapped and that her child/ren were being followed, so she quietly consulted with another former member of the group (who is also an entertainer and Mom concerned about the safety of her kid/s). After their talk, the actress got new phones and hired new bodyguards to protect herself and her child/ren.
We don’t know if she has talked to her best friend – who is still a member of the group – about her decision.
Best Friend:
It’s Leah Remini! Source:
Actress: Leah Remini
Mom: Lisa Marie Presley
Best Friend: Jennifer Lopez
She’s finally out of the Church of Sci*ntology! Good for you, Leah Remini!
Leah Remini is best known for her role as Carrie Heffernan on the CBS sitcom The King of Queens and as Stacey Carosi on the NBC sitcom Saved by the Bell. She was a panelist on The Talk in 2011, and can currently be seen on the television sitcom Family Tools.
Blogger and former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega has been doggedly pursuing and exposing the inner workings of the Co$ for years, and detailing his findings in his blog The Underground Bunker. He just published a story confirming our blind item that Leah Remini is the latest defector from the Co$. From The Underground Bunker:
On Friday, we reported that we’d received a tip King of Queens actress Leah Remini had left the Church of Scientology in an angry fit. We asked our tipsters for more information, and we got it.Over the weekend, we were contacted by several sources with detailed inside knowledge who tell us Remini is breaking away because of the way leader David Miscavige is treating church members, Sea Org workers, and Scientology itself.According to our sources, Remini has been distancing herself from what she refers to as the church’s “corrupt management” for a few years. And it started with a dramatic scene.In November 2006, Remini was one of numerous celebrity guests at the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes at a castle outside Rome. Cruise’s best man was David Miscavige, who has been the church’s leader since the death of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, in 1986.Notably absent, however, was Miscavige’s wife, Shelly. Remini dared to ask about it — and loudly.
Shelly Miscavige has been “missing” for several years.
The story was picked up from there by many news organizations. From The Huffington Post:
Leah Remini Quits Scientology
After ‘Years Of Interrogations’
Leah Remini, the star of “King of Queens,” has reportedly quit Scientology.According to the New York Post, Remini was subjected to “years of ‘interrogations’ and ‘thought modifications’” after she questioned Scientology leader David Miscavige. A source told the Post that the church questioned Remini’s family and “blacklisted” her before she quit.The Brooklyn native admitted to being a Scientologist in a 2001 interview and has defended the church multiple times. She even hosted gatherings where she would help fellow church members get to the next level of Scientology practice. An email she wrote about the events, was published on Gawker. But Mike Rinder, a Scientologist blogger, wrote that the “drama surrounding Leah has been ongoing for some time.”Scientologist expert and former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega uncovered Remini’s rift with the church earlier this week. He said that at the wedding of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, Remini asked Miscavige, who was also Cruise’s best man, why his wife was absent. Ortega reported that Miscavige’s wife has been “kept out of sight at a secretive Scientology facility near Lake Arrowhead.” After the wedding, Remini wrote church-authorized reports in which she criticized Miscavige and his leadership. In the years that followed, the actress and her family were reportedly subjected to repeated questioning and hostility.
We first told you that Remini was preparing to leave the church almost exactly a year ago. While Remini is one tough girl, it was very scary for her to realize that leaving the famously controlling “church” might endanger her family. She consulted with singer Lisa Marie Presley, who moved away from the “church” herself over the past couple of years.
Remini talked to Presley a lot about how to keep her family safe during the transition, and took Presley’s suggestions on changing out her phones and her security staff. We don’t know if she spoke to best friend Jennifer Lopez about her plans, as Lopez continues to have strong ties to the “church”.
While it took Remini a year to finalize her departure and have it made public, we are glad she is now out, and hope that she remains safe.
Congratulations to everyone who got this one right!
Leah Remini made a statement about the past few days. While she doesn’t mention Co$ directly, it is pretty clear that she is acknowledging the support she is receiving while making this transition:
“I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and from fans around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support,” she says in a statement to People.
Leah Remini threatened to call the cops about ‘disappearance’ of Scientology leader's wife
- Last Updated: 1:15 PM, July 12, 2013
- Posted: 12:10 AM, July 12, 2013
“King of Queens” star Leah Remini threatened to call police, sources said, after “her many unanswered questions” about the whereabouts of Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige’s wife, Shelly, which led to the actress being interrogated for years.
Page Six reported yesterday that Remini is making a dramatic break from the church after she began to also question practices including forcing its followers to “disconnect” from family members branded as “suppressive persons” [SPs] and the treatment of its Sea Org members.
“When you ask a question, like, ‘Where is Shelly?,’ you are immediately hauled in, interrogated and asked, ‘Why are you asking, who are you connected to, are you going on the Internet?’ ” said a source.

Getty Images for Extra
Leah Remini

Remini in a scene from "The King of Queens."
The source added that in such sessions, “[You are then] shown pictures of the buildings that the church built, told that the ‘SPs’ are trying to get you because the church is winning, and that when you go on all these ‘SP’ sites, you are literally cutting across man’s ability to go free. You are, in fact, killing mankind.”
The source continued, “Because Leah threatened to call the police to find Shelly, she was put through ‘Security Checking,’ her family was put through it, and her friends.”
Scientology blogger Tony Ortega wrote earlier this week: “Shelly has not been seen [in public] since 2006, except for one sighting when she was allowed to attend the funeral of her father... Remini dared to ask about it — and loudly.”
A source told Page Six that as a result of her questions, the former co-host of CBS’ “The Talk,” “was put through ‘thought modification’ for five years,” but, “When they tried this with her again earlier this year, she said, ‘Enough.’ ”
Remini released a statement last night, saying: “I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and fans from around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.”
A Scientology rep had denied all allegations in our previous story, and did not immediately return a request for comment.
Tom won't be pleased! Isabella Cruise courts attention as she flashes lacy bra in sheer dress at exhibition opening
She may be Tom Cruise’s daughter but Isabella Cruise for the most part keeps out of the spotlight.
But it was a different story in London on Thursday as the student put on quite the racy display.
The 20-year-old wore a dress with a see-through panel to the opening of celebrity photographer Tyler Shields’ new exhibition.

Sheer daring: Isabella Cruise flashed her blue lace bra at Tyler Shields' exhibition opening in London on Thursday
The sheer section of the black frock left almost all of Isabella’s blue lacy bra on display.
Not to mention the daughter of Tom and Nicole Kidman, who shortens her name to Bella, was showing plenty of cleavage.
She also revealed her bare legs thanks to the high hemline of the summery dress and dressed down the garment with a pair of white tennis shoes.

That's one way to get attention: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's daughter's dress was seriously racy

Keeping things casual: The 20-year-old dressed down the frock with a trucker cap and tennis shoes
Isabella has several tattoos, including crosses on her chest and a peacock feather on her forearm.
But on this occasion it was her all-seeing eye inking, underneath the French words 'La plus jolie vitres', which translates as 'the prettiest windows', as well as a red heart on her wrist which she left clearly visible.
She also covered up her peroxide blonde hair with a green trucker cap for the event at the Dray Walk Gallery.
Bella is currently studying at university in London but last month enjoyed a trip to Italy with friends.


Brotherly love: The student's 18-year-old brother Connor was seen out for dinner earlier this week
Tom and second wife Nicole adopted Isabella and her younger brother Connor, 18.
Hollywood heartthrob Tom, 51, also has seven-year-old daughter Suri with his third wife Katie Holmes.
Last month Connor spent Father’s Day paddleboarding with Tom and tweeted after his day out: 'Had a great Father's Day with my dad. Happy Father's Day to him and all other dads out there!'

Protective father: Tom, seen here earlier this month, no doubt won't be happy about his daughter's revealing look
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helly Miscavige may not be a household name, but she was responsible for setting up one of the most prominent Hollywood couples of all time: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Miscavige is the wife of the chairman of Scientology, David Miscavige, and according to media reports, she was responsible for finding Tom Cruise a perfect match after his divorce with Katie Holmes. The New York Post reports that Cruise turned to David after his breakup with Penelope Cruz. David passed on the task of dealing with Cruise and finding him a partner to his wife.
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While her endeavors resulted in a marital union between Cruise and Holmes (until their divorce last year) and has mysteriously been missing since 2007. There have been no sighting of Shelly Miscavige which has led to speculation on her whereabouts and the status of her marriage.
There are many theories on the Internet about why Shelly Miscavige disappeared but three theories seem to be increasingly rampant. The first theory, as reported by Business Insider, which speculates that Shelly may be in "The Hole." What is it? A group of buildings where Scientologists are kept captive for misbehaving and are requied to do group confessions all day and night. Many reports suggest that Shelly filled job openings without the permission of her husband, which could warrant her being placed in the punishment ward. That said, is a six-year punishment for filling job vacancies a norm? For full disclosure, the church denies that The Hole exists.
The second theory plays into the notorious temper of David Miscavige and his alleged "violent tendencies". According to some reports, the Scientologist leader has been known to beat members which leads to the morbid theory that Shelly may have been a victim of her husband's rage.
The last theory, which is most likely the most plausible one, is that Shelly went into hiding after losing interest in the religion. Given her husband's status with the church, it is very likely that the couple and the church would want to keep their separation hush-hush.
Most recently, media outlets have been reporting that actress Leah Remini has been disassociating from the church due to the lashback after she questioned the whereabouts of Shelly.
Paparazzi Curse At Young Suri Cruise In Disturbing Video
Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's daughter, Suri, is just 7-years-old and already her every move is followed by hoards of paparazzi.
When Suri tried to make her way to an waiting vehicle on the streets of New York today, she was clearly upset by the photogs and autograph seekers in her way.
“We’re trying to get in the car… stop it!” Suri yells in one of the few times we have ever heard her voice, adding "Get out of the way!”
As Suri is getting into the vehicle, an off-camera voice can be heard yelling, “Bye, Suri, you little brat!”
A second man is heard reprimanding him for the dig at the young girl, at which point the original guy calls Cruise a “b----.”
Watch the disturbing video below:
15-year-old Kardashian step-sibling Kylie Jenner ironically also spoke out today against paparazzi following children in a video on Keek.
“I just think there should be laws against paparazzi for people under 18,” says Jenner. ”I do not think it should be legal for five guys in cars to follow me to school. I’m a 15-year-old girl, I don’t think five guys following me is really appropriate.”
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Why Leah Remini Is Leaving the Church of Scientology
Sources say the actress, who has been a longtime Scientologist, believes the church is "corrupt"
Leah Remini is breaking up with Scientology. The King of Queens actress, a longtime member of the controversial church, has reportedly left after years of tension with leader David Miscavige. According to sources, Miscavige subjected Remini to years of interrogation, scrutiny and punishment -- all because of an incident that happened at Tom Cruiseand Katie Holmes's wedding.
Here's how things went down, according to reporter Tony Ortega (who is writing a book about Scientology). In 2006, Remini attended Tom and Katie's super-exclusive wedding at a castle in Italy. The best man was David Miscavige, Cruise's BFF and the leader of the church since 1986. Strangely, David's wife Shelly was nowhere to be seen. So Remini, being an outspoken woman, wondered out loud why Shelly wasn't there.
It was a good question; in fact, Shelly literally vanished from the public eye around that time. But David reportedly took offense at the question and told Leah she didn't have the rank to ask about his wife. Leah, in turn, complained about David to other Scientology leaders.
Reportedly, the actress was then ordered to undergo an interrogation process called "thought modification" at Scientology's Florida headquarters. She was also encouraged to break away from family and friends who were critical of the church. Instead of falling in line, however, Remini only became more critical of the institution's policies.
“It all began when Leah questioned the validity of excommunication of people,” a source told the New York Post. “She is stepping back from a regime she thinks is corrupt. She thinks no religion should tear apart a family or abuse someone under the umbrella of ‘religion.’”
The church of Scientology is a mysterious organization, but holds a special influence among the Hollywood elite. Members like Cruise, John Travolta and Kirstie Alleyclaim that Scientology changed their lives and made them successful. The church depends on its famous spokespeople to bring in new recruits -- so it's very rare that a well-known Scientologist leaves the fold.
But Leah Remini is not the first. In February 2011, screenwriter Paul Haggis, best known for writing the films Crash and Million Dollar Baby, was the subject of a headline-grabbing New Yorker article about his break with the church. The following year, Lisa Marie Presley -- who was brought into the church by her mother Priscilla -- announced in a song that she was leaving Scientology. Shortly afterwards, Katie filed for divorce from Tom -- amid rumors that she was leaving him to get daughter Suriaway from the church.
Miscavige has a reputation for being vindictive against people who leave Scientology -- one of many reasons the organization is often branded a "cult." But more and more, defectors are refusing to leave quietly. Several prominent ex-Scientologists havepublished blogs in which they describe their experiences and criticize the church. And earlier this year, Miscavige's niece wrote a tell-all memoir about growing up in Scientology's child labor camps.
Even so, few celebrities have ever spoken publicly about their reasons for leaving the church. Last night she released a statement thanking her supporters, saying, “I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and fans from around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.” If Remini chooses to open up further about her experience, she'll be the first big-name celeb to do so. It will be interesting to see how the church reacts -- and whether she'll open the floodgates for other ex-Scientologists to break their silence.
Here's how things went down, according to reporter Tony Ortega (who is writing a book about Scientology). In 2006, Remini attended Tom and Katie's super-exclusive wedding at a castle in Italy. The best man was David Miscavige, Cruise's BFF and the leader of the church since 1986. Strangely, David's wife Shelly was nowhere to be seen. So Remini, being an outspoken woman, wondered out loud why Shelly wasn't there.
It was a good question; in fact, Shelly literally vanished from the public eye around that time. But David reportedly took offense at the question and told Leah she didn't have the rank to ask about his wife. Leah, in turn, complained about David to other Scientology leaders.
Reportedly, the actress was then ordered to undergo an interrogation process called "thought modification" at Scientology's Florida headquarters. She was also encouraged to break away from family and friends who were critical of the church. Instead of falling in line, however, Remini only became more critical of the institution's policies.
“It all began when Leah questioned the validity of excommunication of people,” a source told the New York Post. “She is stepping back from a regime she thinks is corrupt. She thinks no religion should tear apart a family or abuse someone under the umbrella of ‘religion.’”
The church of Scientology is a mysterious organization, but holds a special influence among the Hollywood elite. Members like Cruise, John Travolta and Kirstie Alleyclaim that Scientology changed their lives and made them successful. The church depends on its famous spokespeople to bring in new recruits -- so it's very rare that a well-known Scientologist leaves the fold.
But Leah Remini is not the first. In February 2011, screenwriter Paul Haggis, best known for writing the films Crash and Million Dollar Baby, was the subject of a headline-grabbing New Yorker article about his break with the church. The following year, Lisa Marie Presley -- who was brought into the church by her mother Priscilla -- announced in a song that she was leaving Scientology. Shortly afterwards, Katie filed for divorce from Tom -- amid rumors that she was leaving him to get daughter Suriaway from the church.
Miscavige has a reputation for being vindictive against people who leave Scientology -- one of many reasons the organization is often branded a "cult." But more and more, defectors are refusing to leave quietly. Several prominent ex-Scientologists havepublished blogs in which they describe their experiences and criticize the church. And earlier this year, Miscavige's niece wrote a tell-all memoir about growing up in Scientology's child labor camps.
Even so, few celebrities have ever spoken publicly about their reasons for leaving the church. Last night she released a statement thanking her supporters, saying, “I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and fans from around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.” If Remini chooses to open up further about her experience, she'll be the first big-name celeb to do so. It will be interesting to see how the church reacts -- and whether she'll open the floodgates for other ex-Scientologists to break their silence.
Perfecting her look! Katie Holmes's mini-me daughter Suri Cruise preens her ponytail as she steps out looking pretty in pink
As days go by she is looking more and more like her mother Katie Holmes.
And it seems that Suri Cruise has also learnt a thing or two about grooming from the famous actress.
The seven-year-old was seen preening and perfecting her long ponytail as she headed out in New York with Katie on Thursday.

Preening: Katie Holmes's mini-me daughter Suri Cruise was seen perfecting her ponytail as she headed out with her mother in New York on Thursday
The 34-year-old's mini-me daughter also wore her favourite colour for the outing - an ensemble entirely in pink.
The youngster was dressed in a summery outfit consisting of a three-tiered skirt teamed with a floral T-shirt.
On her feet were her favourite pair of pink flip-flops, adorned with large pink rosettes.

Pretty in pink: The youngster was dressed in a summery outfit consisting of a three-tiered skirt teamed with a floral T-shirt

Bold in blue: Meanwhile Katie also stood out in a bold blue dress which featured a frilled collar and A-line skirt
Meanwhile, Katie also stood out in bold blue.
The Dawson's Creek star looked pretty in the cobalt dress, which featured a frilled collar and A-line skirt.
She paired the attire with Western-style black leather boots and shielded her eyes with oversized black shades.

Just the two of us: Katie and Suri walked hand-in-hand during the outing
Katie has been spending considerable time with her daughter over the last few days as the one year anniversary of her divorce with ex-husband Tom Cruise flew by.
While the actress has been relishing in time with her offspring on the East Coast, Tom has been busy on the West Coast.
The 51-year-old movie star was spotted chatting up two women as he left Cecconi's in West Hollywood last Saturday night.

Doting mother: Katie has been spending considerable time with her daughter over the last few days as the one year anniversary of her divorce with Tom Cruise flew by

Keeping busy: Meanwhile, Tom has been spending time on the West Coast and was recently spotted a Chateau Marmont riding his $75, 000 motorcycle
He was also seen hugging a woman at popular Venice eatery Gjelina this week.
'Tom has definitely made some changes to his life over the past year since the divorce,' a source close to Cruise told Us Weekly.
'He's actually a lot more relaxed and more extroverted.'

Flirting: Katie has been spending a lot of her time lately gazing into the eyes of her Mania Days co-star Luke Kirby, but the actress remains single

Independent woman: Katie has really come out of her shell a year on from her divorce from Tom
And a second pal added: 'Now that he's single he wants to get out there a bit. Since the divorce, he's spent some time reflecting and actually letting go.
However, Katie is still not ready to date - according to a producer who has worked with her before.
'She’s lying low on the romantic side of things. She doesn’t need that right now. Her focus is on Suri,' the producer revealed in People magazine.
'I don’t think she’s ready...Once she left Tom, she got right back on track. Her attitude was "Okay, fine, let's get back to work." Things have been tough for her, but she's happy. She's moving on.'
The Batman Begins star has been spending a lot of her time lately gazing into the eyes of her Mania Days co-star Luke Kirby.
The cosy colleagues play star-crossed lovers in the Spike Lee-produced romantic drama - due out next year - but her Canadian co-star reportedly has a girlfriend.
'They spend lots of time together. Luke thinks Katie is terrific,' Kirby's pal told People. 'They're supportive of one another.'
Katie will next appear in the romantic comedy Responsible Adults, and an untitled modern retelling of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull.
Meanwhile, Tom has next year's sci-fi action flick All You Need is Kill with Emily Blunt and Mission: Impossible 5 due out 2015
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Tom Cruise, Scientology Come Under Fire As Leah Remini Leaves The Church
The high-profile defection of King of Queens actress Leah Reminifrom the church of Scientology has triggered accusations against the religion and also put Tom Cruise under fire, RadarOnline is reporting.
Remini’s decision to leave the church is surrounded by reports that she was subjected to “thought modification” for five years and when the church wanted to put her through it again she refused.
Now, Remini’s bold move is putting Tom Cruise – the most high-profile celebrity attached to Scientology – in the spotlight, with a key anti-Scientology journalist writing an open letter to the star and asking him to address and explain several controversial events.
Tony Ortega, former editor of the Village Voice, was first to report Remini was leaving Scientology. Now, he’s filling in the details behind her decision and also questioning Cruise about why the wife of church leader David Miscavige has been seen in public only once in five years.
Ortega also alleges that Scientology is in worse shape than a year ago, writing that Narconon, the church’s drug rehab “program”, is entangled in “a mass of lawsuits and government investigations.”
“Meanwhile, more Scientology defectors are bringing out stories of families ripped apart by the church’s toxic “disconnection” policies and retaliation campaigns,” Ortega posted in an open letter to Cruise.
As Radar reported earlier, Remini confirmed her decision to leave Scientology with this statement:
“I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and from fans around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.”
Cruise’s wedding to Katie Holmes in 2006 started the chain of events that eventually led to Remini leaving Scientology. Remini asked Miscavige why his wife wasn’t at the event and then wrote a report about it, per church rules, according to Ortega!
Ortega wrote in his open letter to Cruise:
“You remember the stink that Leah raised at your wedding to Katie Holmes in 2006. Leah was surprised to see that your best man, Scientology leader David Miscavige, was there without his wife Shelly. And when she asked about it, Tommy Davis told her, “You don’t have the f*cking rank to ask about Shelly.”
Well, if you know Leah — and we know you do, Tom — you could have predicted that she wasn’t going to take that lying down.”
Well, if you know Leah — and we know you do, Tom — you could have predicted that she wasn’t going to take that lying down.”
Ortega is also asking Cruise why HE didn’t raise “a stink” about Shelly Miscavige apparently vanishing.
“If anyone could question what Miscavige was doing, if anyone could raise a stink about Shelly’s vanishing and actually get something done about it, it was you, Tom,” Ortega wrote.
“So we’re left wondering: Why didn’t you?”
The open letter to Cruise comes as Remini’s defection is putting Scientology, its practices and its leaders in the media spotlight.
No one from the church was available to answer questions from Radar on these allegations.
But Ortega is busy filling in details behind Remini’s defection.
In breaking the story of her defection he wrote:
“According to our sources, Remini has been distancing herself from what she refers to as the church’s “corrupt management” for a few years. And it started with a dramatic scene.
In November 2006, Remini was one of numerous celebrity guests at the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes at a castle outside Rome. Cruise’s best man was David Miscavige, who has been the church’s leader since the death of its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, in 1986.
Notably absent, however, was Miscavige’s wife, Shelly. Remini dared to ask about it — and loudly.”
Ortega says after the event Remini wrote a “Knowledge Report” – something Scientologist are supposed to do when they see something they believe is against church rules. Her report was critical of Miscavige, Cruise, Holmes and many high-ranking Scientologists.
This is when Remini was ordered to under “thought modification” by the church, Ortega alleges and adds she was forced to rescind her reports.